Sunday Runday: Week of 3/6 (Boston Training Week #12)


Monday, 3/6:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 8 miles)

What I Did: 8.01 miles in 1:19:50 (9:59 pace). Did not feel like running this morning at all. It was freezing, but I overdressed! :O

Tuesday, 3/7:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Strength 3 x 2 miles in 14:20-40 with 800 recovery  (marathon goal = 3:12-3:17))

What I Did:


3 mile warm-up

3 x 2 miles with 0.5 mile recovery in 14:31 (7:18, 7:13), 14:21 (7:14, 7:07), 13:57 (7:11, 6:46)

2ish mile cool-down

12.18 miles total

PM: 4.50 miles in 40:31 (9:01 pace) with Moira. Bonked haaaaaaard. :O

16.68 miles total for the day

Wednesday, 3/8:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: OFF)

What I Did: Flexibility hot yoga with Laura, my future mother-in-law. My hamstrings hated it during it, but it was exactly what they needed!

Thursday, 3/9:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Tempo 9 miles at 7:26 pace (goal = 3:15 marathon :O ))

What I Did:

3.15 mile warm-up

9 mile tempo in 1:04:15 (7:08 pace; 7:40, 7:22, 7:06, 6:59, 7:12, 7:02, 6:57, 7:00, 6:52)

3.20 mile cool-down

15.35 miles total

Felt surprisingly awesome on the run! Took me a mile to really get on pace, but I ran according to feel and nailed it!

Friday, 3/10: 

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 7 miles)

What I Did: 7.44 miles in 1:14:46 (10:03 pace)

Saturday, 3/11:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 8 miles)

What I Did: 6.01 miles in 1:01:55 (10:18 pace) before Pre-Cana with Phil. So much cold!

Sunday, 3/12:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Long 16 miles)

What I Did: Debated running the half-marathon I had registered for all week, but ultimately decided against it in order to see Wicked with Phil (a super nice Christmas present from his parents!). The show was at 1PM which was inconvenient in and of itself and it was going to be 15 degrees warmer (i.e. real feel of 12 degrees vs. like -5 degrees) in the afternoon, so I opted to run then. Luckily Fiona had been in Lake Placid where it was even colder and hadn’t run yet, so she met up with me to run 8 of my 18 mile long run with me (I think I ran like 3.5 by myself-we were moooving beause we were cold)! 18.04 miles in a blazinnnn 2:23:57 (7:58 average; 8:28, 8:08, 8:07, 8:15, 8:12, 8:06, 8:05, 7:51, 7:54, 7:49, 7:36, 8:06, 7:52, 7:52, 8:06, 7:55, 7:47, 7:26). Really happy with this run and can’t believe I dreaded it all week. Highly recommend the Zim Smith Trail if you’re in the area-the gravel was a great break for these legs!

Total Weekly Mileage = 71.53 miles

Total Boston Training Mileage = 647.21 miles

Sunday Runday: Week of 2/27 (Boston Training Week #11)


Monday, 2/27:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 6 miles)

What I Did:

AM: A cold 6.37 miles in 1:03:05 (9:54 pace) before work. Legs felt dead! :O

PM: 4.52 miles in 39:37 (8:46 pace) with Moira (!) after work! Legs felt less dead. 😛

90 minutes of Bikram! Really feel like I’m improving in my form/flexibility/headspace, and honestly my muscles feel GREAT!

10.89 miles total


Tuesday, 2/28:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Strength 4 x 1.5 miles in 10:45-11:00 with 800 recovery (Goal = 3:12-317 marathon)

What I Did: I would have preferred to do this workout on the track because I find it easier for me to focus and run faster paces there, but the local college’s track doesn’t open until 6AM, and because I’ve been having issues with pacing, I figured I better get some practice off the track/treadmill sooner rather than later as Boston is quickly approaching! I have to run through downtown Albany to get to the bike path that I run on for workouts, and it can get a little sketchy sometimes, especially in the dark. It’s not my favorite, but I think it’s definitely worth being more on guard for a little bit until more runners are up and at it to keep me company on the bike path rather than retreating to the treadmill. Struggled with pacing at first (shocker), but I think I got down to a good pace towards the end:

2.52 mile warm-up down to the bike path

4 x 1.5 miles with 800 recovery:

11:19 (7:40 + 3:39; 7:33 pace)

10:56 (7:11 + 3:45; 7:17 pace)-interestingly, this was my 1.5 mile time trial time before my high school freshman season of cross country!

10:50 (7:10 + 3:40; 7:13 pace)

10:28 (6:56 + 3:32; 6:59 pace)

2.5ish mile cool-down (I’m too lazy to count up all the laps/splits right now…)

12.46 miles total

Wednesday, 3/1:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: OFF)

What I Did: Flexibility hot yoga class that was more flow than flexibility, but whatcha gonna do.

Thursday, 3/2:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Tempo 9 miles at 7:26 pace (goal = 3:15 marathon :O ))

What I Did: Ugh. This day/workout/life! Got out of work really late, had a friend who was going to pace me bail on me last minute, and it was already dark by the time I headed out. At the start of my tempo, my watch was not in the mood and was telling me I was running a “blazing” 9 minute pace when I knew I was running at least a minute and a half faster. I was already on edge because I was nervous about my first 9 mile tempo, so I decided to go try the workout at the gym rather than bust myself to be confused about pacing the whole time and then feel badly about how I was running “slower” than I was supposed to go. So, essentially, did a 6 mile warm-up, 9 mile tempo in 1:04:17 (7:09 pace, suckaaaaaas), and quick 1 mile cool-down home for 16.01 miles total, i.e. too much for a rando Thursday!

Friday, 3/3: 

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 6 miles)

What I Did: Got out of work hella late again and had dinner plans, so only had time to get 3.62 miles in, but because of the way Thursday’s run went, I didn’t sweat it like I usually would. Crazy winds!

Saturday, 3/4:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 10 miles)

What I Did: 8.26 miles easy (but faster than my usual easy pace!), partly by myself, and partly with Erin, Allison, and others from their running team in some brutal wind and cold. Probably could have/should have run a little farther, but this week is a down mileage week anyway, so I’m not stressing.

Sunday, 3/5:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 10 miles)

What I Did: 6.58 miles in 1:03:46 (9:41 pace) with Phil. Could have (should have?) run farther, but I was getting hungry on our run!

Total Weekly Mileage = 57.82 miles

Total Boston Training Mileage = 575.68 miles

Down 8ish miles from last week-I’m not sure if that was too much of a jump down (should have probably been closer to 5), but does 3 miles really make that much of a difference? My guess = probably not.

Sunday Runday: Week of 2/20 (Boston Training Week #10)


Monday, 2/20:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 8 miles)

What I Did: Pre-work 8.08 miles (1:24:47; 10:29 pace) felt like death. I thought about turning back home a million and one times…and talked myself out of it a million and one times! 😛 Also got in 90 minutes of Bikram after work and my muscles feel awesome!

Tuesday, 2/21:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Strength 6 x 1 mile with 400 recovery (5k goal of 19:30-20:00))

What I Did:

AM: 3.20 miles in 32:12 (10:03 pace); Legs felt a MILLION times better than yesterday, but still a little dead. Contemplated what would happen if I was totally burned out with Boston in 8 weeks. :O

PM: Strength Workout

1.48 mile warm-up

6 x 1 mile on the track at UAlbany. There was still some ice/snow on the track so I spent a lot of my 24 laps on the track weaving in and out of lanes, but for some reason, my watch would record a mile split on my final straightaway each time, i.e. before I hit four laps. I’m not really sure which times are correct, but I’m going to go with the slower ones so I don’t get too cocky, but here are my times for future record, in the following format: time at 4 laps (mile split on watch):

7:08 (7:03)

6:56 (6:40)

6:57 (6:38)

6:56 (6:45)

6:58 (6:40)

6:51 (6:39)

1ish mile cool-down

10.38 miles total

My body felt good, but the conditions weren’t ideal and my stomach really began to bother me towards the end.

13.58 miles total for the day

Wednesday, 2/22:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: OFF)

What I Did: Flexibility hot yoga class. #holytightmuscles!

Thursday, 2/23:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Tempo 8 miles at 7:26 pace (goal = 3:15 marathon :O ))

What I Did:

2.71 mile warm-up

8 mile tempo in 58:26 (7:18 pace; 7:51, 7:32, 7:18, 7:06, 7:19, 7:10, 7:12, 6:55)

2.52 mile cool-down

13.24 miles total

Friday, 2/24: 

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 7 miles)

What I Did: 7.05 miles with Luke at the Pine Bush (1:01:18; 8:41 pace)

Saturday, 2/25:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 8 miles)

What I Did: Moved my long run up a day early so I could run in Saratoga, a place I’ve wanted to run for a while with Fiona! Did my first 6.5ish by myself before Fiona met up for 10 more followed by brunch to make for such a lovely day! 17.07 miles total in 2:21:34 (8:17 pace; 8:36, 8:03, 8:00, 8:07, 7:59, 8:15, 8:46, 8:18, 8:14, 8:32, 8:19, 8:13, 8:14, 8:41, 8:40, 8:08, 7:49). My legs felt awesome towards the start, so much so that I had to force myself to more consciously control my stride at 8 minute pace, but I fizzled a bit for miles 14 and 15. I’ve gotta get a better handle on nutrition the night before and during runs. My last minute Powerbar Gels I grabbed from the depths of my pantry were definitelyyyy expired… 😛

Sunday, 2/26:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Long 16 miles)

What I Did: 7 miles in 1:07:07 (9:35 pace) at Hampton Manor Town Park…which I do not recommend for running. I went to flexibility hot yoga class after at a different location than I usually do and because I was headed to East Greenbush anyway, I thought I’d check out a spot that was recommended by the local newspaper for running. I made it work with running out on the main road and then getting some killer hills in, but I won’t probably go there again.

Total Weekly Mileage = 66.02 miles

Total Boston Training Mileage = 517.86 miles

Sunday Runday: Week of 2/13 (Boston Training Week #9)


Monday, 2/13:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 6 miles)

What I Did: 6 miles, mostly on the treadmill. Ugh.

Tuesday, 2/14:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Speed 3 x 1600 in 6:20-6:30 with 600 recovery (5k goal of 19:30-20:00))

What I Did: 3 x mile in 6:27, 6:23, 6:15 on the treadmill with 800 recovery. 9 miles total.

Wednesday, 2/15:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: OFF)

What I Did: Swam! And didn’t get ear plugs stuck in my ears again!

Thursday, 2/16:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Tempo 8 miles at 7:26 pace (goal = 3:15 marathon :O ))

What I Did: Was not into today’s run in the slightest. I clawed and fought for it, but really need to adjust my mindset when it comes to tempo runs in general. I’ve been running them WAY too fast, and it’s really hurting me mentally. 😦

8 mile tempo in 58:10 (7:16 pace; 7:11, 7:13, 7:19, 7:15, 7:18, 7:18, 7:18, 7:13). 12.56 miles total.

Friday, 2/17: 

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 6 miles)

What I Did: Triple workout today! :O I love our Psychiatry schedule! 😛

#1: 6 miles in 1:02:08 (10:21 pace)

#2: 4.06 miles in 38:12 (9:25) pace, mostly because I wanted to take the new GoPro out for a spin. 😀

#3: 60 minute Bikram Hot Yoga Class. Thank God it was cut down from its usual 90 minutes-I don’t think I could have lasted another half hour!

10.06 miles total

Saturday, 2/18:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 10 miles)

What I Did: 8.03 miles at the Pine Bush in 1:23:36 (10:25 pace), which is actually a lot faster than I would have thought given those melty snowy conditions!

Sunday, 2/19:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 10 miles)

What I Did: 12.65 miles in 1:55:08 (9:06 pace) from Colonie Center to the Crossings to Siena and back! Was so happy to be running somewhere different than just around my neighborhood in Albany!

Total Weekly Mileage = 57.15 miles

Total Boston Training Mileage = 451.84 miles

Sunday Runday: Week of 1/9 (Boston Training Week #4)


Monday, 1/9:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 6 miles)

What I Did: My foot had been bothering me so I took Monday off. I’ve had similar pain in the past and attributed it to my icky bunions, but I figured a day or two off at this point won’t do me any harm.

Tuesday, 1/10:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Speed 5 x 1k in 3:54-4:00 with 400 recovery (5k goal of 19:30-20:00))

What I Did: Took Tuesday off, too, and went to get an x-ray at the ortho urgent care. Luckily no stress fractures or even signs of previous damage! So, looks like it was just my bunions. :O

Wednesday, 1/11:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: OFF)

What I Did: 5.23 miles with Phil in 47:32 (9:06 pace) with a little more confidence in my foot.

Thursday, 1/12:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Tempo 6 miles at 7:26 pace (goal = 3:15 marathon :O ))

What I Did: 7.03 miles (1:04:01; 9:07 pace) easy in an attempt to get back into it again.

Friday, 1/13:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 7 miles)

What I Did: Moved my tempo day to Friday after a weird first half of the week:

2 mile warm-up

6 mile tempo in 42:09 (7:02 pace) on the treadmill: 7:27, 7:15, 7:10, 6:59, 6:51, 6:23

3 mile cool down

11 miles total

Saturday, 1/14:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 7 miles)

What I Did: 7.53 miles nice and slow (1:19:22; 10:32 pace) before day trip to Long Island for Tracy’s surprise bridal shower.

Sunday, 1/15:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Long 12 miles)

What I Did: 15.07 miles in 2:03:41 (8:12 pace!) at the HMRRC Winter Series with some banginggggg negative splits: 8:34, 8:36, 8:48, 8:36, 8:28, 8:16, 8:16, 8:15, 8:29, 8:21, 8:01, 7:42, 7:52, 7:39, 7:15

Total Weekly Mileage = 45.86 miles

Total Boston Training Mileage = 183.11 miles

Sunday Runday: Week of 12/26 (Boston Training Week #2)


Monday, 12/26:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 6 miles)

What I Did: 6.26 miles (59:28; 9:30 pace) around the neighborhood. This was the run that I put off all day, then ate too much, then wanted to do even less…but we got it done!

Tuesday, 12/27:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Speed 8 x 600 in 2:21-2:25 (5k goal of 19:30-20:00) with 400 rest)

What I Did: These speed workouts drive me crazy! They are so much faster than my body is used to moving and scare me like nothing else (LOL wait until we start these tempo runs this week…), but with each one I do complete successfully, I grow more and more confident in my running. I went to a rival high school’s track today that is actually MUCH closer than my own high school’s track. I definitely took all of the paths we could run on for granted in high school-this one is kind of in the middle of nowhere and I couldn’t find a great road off-camps to warm-up or cool-down on. The track team convened for their practice around my third interval. I’m not sure what the etiquette is for track sharing, but I was so far in, I wasn’t going to let them scare me off…this time. 😛

2.17 mile warm-up

8 x 600 with 400 rest in 2:30, 2:25,2:22, 2:24, 2:23, 2:22, 2:21, 2:16

1.18 mile cool-down

8.35 miles total

Wednesday, 12/28:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: OFF)

What I Did: Rest Day

Thursday, 12/29:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Tempo 6 miles at 7:26 pace (goal = 3:15 marathon :O ))

What I Did: Was nervous about this first tempo run of Boston training, but rocked it! The first couple miles felt pretty easy, so I decided to add on a hillier section to the normal path around the lake at the park, which was definitely reflected in miles 3 and 4. This was definitely a good effort, but I remember my tempo runs feeling a lot more difficult when I was training for the Shamrock Marathon last spring. I’m not sure if that means I need to reevaluate my expectations/goals for Boston or if it’s just a sign I’m in pretty good shape, but I definitely need to thumb through my Hanson’s book again for some guidance. I want to try to incorporate more hills into my training this time around to prepare for the hills in Boston, and this was a good start!

2.21 mile warm-up

6 mile tempo run in 43:41 (7:16 pace): 7:35, 7:17, 7:20, 7:37, 7:07, 6:40

1.84 mile cool-down

10.05 miles total 

Friday, 12/30:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 7 miles)

What I Did: Driving back to school kept getting delayed by weather and changing plans, but finally drove back today! Got in a painful, super easy 7.14 miles in 1:13:15 (10:16 pace) before driving back.

Saturday, 12/31:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Easy 6 miles)

What I Did: Really should have planned by week better because I left two runs for a weekend of traveling! :/ But you work with what you got, and still got 6.21 miles in 55:21 (8:54 pace-we started off QUICK…and then fizzled away) in with Phil at the awesome Juniper Valley Park in Queens, a quick mile or so from Phil’s cousins’ house.


Sunday, 1/1:

(What I Was Supposed to Do: Long 10 miles)

What I Did: Was not looking forward to 10 miles after a night of staying up late! After church, we took our run from Phil’s cousins’ in Queens allllll the way to Central Park (through sketchy areas and awesome bridges and paths alike!) to total 10 miles in 1:33:49 (9:23 pace). Something was funky with my watch because it had one low 8ish minute and two sub-8 minute miles, which is a little hard to believe. My long runs are supposed to be much quicker (8:05 pace), which was my tempo pace last training cycle and something that’s going to take some work and mental strength to get myself to! I’m not sure I could have pushed myself with the way my legs were feeling (i.e. not so great), and  I was also with Phil who was getting kinda grumpy and hungry. We lost a little momentum at the end, but I’m proud of him for getting it done!


Total Weekly Mileage = 48.01 miles

Total Boston Training Mileage = 92.19 miles

Sunday Runday: Week of 11/28


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Monday, 11/28: Reunited with Moira today after almost 5 weeks apart! 7.8 miles (64ish minutes) flew by because we had a looooot to catch up on.


Tuesday, 11/29: 6 pre-class miles (54ish minutes) with some misty conditions. Surprisingly, there were a lot of people out and about at 6AM!

Wednesday, 11/30: Rest day.

Thursday, 12/1: 6 early morning miles before my OSCE for family medicine.

Friday, 12/2: 5 miles after my shelf exam with Moira and before Paint and Sip, my Christmas present from Moira from last year! We were afraid a year was going to go by without getting to do it together!

Saturday, 12/3: 5 miles with Phil down to the river and back. Gonna miss this guy while I’m away for the next month again.

Sunday, 12/4: Rest day again and flew home!

Total = 29.8 miles

Not too shabby for only running 5 out of 7 days this week!

Sunday Runday: Week of 10/24

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Um. How is it already the end of October?! I’m back at home in Maryland for the next 5 weeks for my Family Med rotation, so I’ll be checking out my former running haunts!

Monday, 10/17: 52ish minutes (6 miles) around my old high school stomping grounds! We used to consider runs to Grace (I have no idea what company this is, but it’s about 7 miles round-trip) to be crazy long in high school. I started off a little closer than my high school, but it’s funny how the same routes can feel so different at different times of our lives! I remember thinking the run was so hilly as a high schooler, and now I look at it and it ain’t so bad!

Tuesday, 10/18: 17 mile ride through Clarksville, Dayton, and Glenelg-ish and partly on the IronGirl/Columbia Tri bike course. I’m surprised at how easily I forget how hilly home can be, but my legs fared well, and it was a fun ride despite it being super windy and cold!

Wednesday, 10/19: I signed up for a guest membership at my local gym (which is really a super gym that includes three different gyms within 15 minutes of my hizzouse and offers a million and one classes and access to, like, at least four indoor pools) for $85, and I’m fully planning on making that purchase worth my while for the next month or so that I am home! Was planning on doing 3-4 miles post-BodyStep class, but it kicked my butt! And I was 10 minutes late (was soooo happy when the instructor responded to my pathetic looks of “PLEASELETMEINPLEASE” as I passed the door with a nod; let it be known that the lady at the front desk was talking to the peeps in front of me for like 3 minutesas I was anxiously looking like I was late to class I was going to!), so I can’t even imagine how beat I would be if I had done the whole hour long workout! Especially loved the “Ex’s and Oh’s” running track. That alone was awesome enough to make me want to come back again! BodyStep is a little more hardcore than I’m used to as far as Step classes go: I’ve found they’re usually more cardio-focused, but this class was very strength/conditioning based! Meaning it was terribly hard yet awesome for me! :O

Thursday, 10/20: 39:41 (4.5 miles) felt like ten years. I don’t know what’s been up with my body, but running just hasn’t felt good in a long time. I wasn’t even really running that slowly! Maybe it’s just a weird “I’m at home meaning I’m basically on vacation” mindset that’s creeped into my schoolwork, too, but I can’t say I like it. :/ Perhaps patience is what I need right now so I can be mentally and physically ready before I jumpstart training for Boston. Which is exciting yet terribly daunting at the same time right now.

Friday, 10/21: BodyPump at 5:45AM. Woof! I planned to leave for the FMEC conference after a full day of clinic, so I wanted to get my workout in early. BodyPump is intense for a non-lifter like me, but really good for someone who doesn’t like to come up with her own lifting workouts. Struggled through it, but hoping to go 2-3 times a week while I’m at home and see if some of that struggling gets easier as time goes on. 🙂

Saturday, 10/22: Woke up early before the conference began with the 7AM student discussion tables at breakfast to get my 5 miles in. In retrospect, running outside in the dark in areas I was not familiar with in that were also not very well lit was, perhaps, not the smartest move in the world. But it was still very pretty!

Sunday, 10/23: After the conference concluded around noon, headed over to Schenley Park for a quick 3 mile pitstop. It was gorgeous! So many trails!

Total = 18.5 miles

Sunday Runday: Week of 10/17

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I was awful at keeping track my workouts this week. Blame it on my last week of outpatient peds and shelf exam on Friday! Here’s what I remember:

Monday, 10/17: Running’s been feeling really meh for me the last week since the half-marathon, so I’m switching things up a bit! Ran 3 miles and then did Day 1 of the Beginner Blogilates Calendar. I am not into lifting/strength training at all, but in looking forward to training for Boston, I wanted to start incorporating some strength work into my everyday routine. Might as well start now! 😛 It kicked my butt! As someone who considers herself to be in decent shape, the way I was huffing and puffing and break taking was, honestly, quite pathetic. It’s good to push ourselves out of our comfort zones from time to time, though!

Tuesday, 10/18: 3 miles + Day 2 of the Beginner Blogilates Calendar.

Wednesday, 10/193.5 miles + Day 3 of the Beginner Blogilates Calendar.

Thursday, 10/20: Day 4 of the Beginner Blogilates Calendar.

Friday, 10/21: The first two steps of my 57ish minute run (6.5 miles) with Moira felt so much easier than any other run I’ve done since the Mohawk-Hudson Half! And this is when the falling off the Blogilates train began…

Saturday, 10/22: Off because I was driving home! Also had chicken fingers and fries from a Rest Stop Popeye’s whilst driving. #thisisAmerica

Sunday, 10/23: BWI Bike Trail (11 mile loop…this felt so much longer!) with Wendy! We took about an hour and 15 minutes, but also got a little lost. Which is just silly because it’s a loop.

Total = 16 miles

#woof #thisisrecovering?!

Sunday Runday: Week of 10/10

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Monday, 10/10: Rest day recovering from yesterday’s epic half-marathon!

Tuesday, 10/11: I’m in Glens Falls (about an hour north of Albany) for the next two weeks for outpatient peds (OMG I LOVE IT), so the school is graciously supplying me with a hotel room in Lake George (15 minutes north of the clinic) to stay in. Which means time to explore a new place! By which running is my favorite means of exploring! Yay! But it got kinda old kinda quick. The changing leaves and lake were beautiful, but I found it hard to find enough places to run to get in my standard 6 mile run. Maybe I need to do more research. Probably.

Wednesday, 10/12: 6 mile run in the dark that turned into da crack of dawn before clinic this morning. My legs feel surprisingly good for what I put my body through just a couple days ago! Planning on taking it easy tomorrow and maybe doing some sort of workout on Friday. Picking some more races or deciding to take it easy before jumping into marathon training might be helpful to direct me towards some sort of training schedule. 😛

Thursday, 10/13: 8 miles in Albany before heading to school for Morning Report! Actually felt half decent, too. 🙂

Friday, 10/14: I woke up at 5:45AM like usual, and my body just felt dead. In retrospect, I probably should have just dragged my lazy butt outta bed to get a few miles in, but I somehow talked myself into thinking that I could have a super productive morning of studying. #lol So. Today was an impromptu rest day! Still, I can’t be too upset with myself: I just ran a hella awesome race last Saturday and don’t really have anything set in stone as far as racing until, well, Boston. I know I want to pick up a couple shorter races and maaaaaaybe a half-marathon if I feel inspired and want to drop major cash on races. I’m lucky that the school is now fronting 100% of our registration fees for races now, but it only counts for New York state and the New England region and so won’t include any races I do while at home during my Family Med rotation later this month. 😦

Saturday, 10/15: 53ish minutes (6 miles) with Moira catching up about our weeks and our races last weekend (we hated not being able to run together this week because I was away!) before heading to pick up our friend Chelsea to watch our college team kill their races with some other alums! I honestly don’t know how I’m going to get through the next couple months without running with Moira while I’m away at home and on vacation!

Sunday, 10/16: Woof. Did not feel like running, but Phil dragged me along for 7 miles to the new Rail Trail and back. Which was great because it probably wouldn’t have gotten done otherwise!

Total = 33 miles